This was originally going to be a regular feature on my blog. Two April Fools Days ago, I posted some fake movie posters I made in Photoshop and was going to create some more, but I forgot that I suck at Photoshop, so Coming Soon to a Theater in an Alternate Reality Near You never became a regular thing.
Lately online, I've spotted some amusing posters for movies that don't exist, including a You Offend Me You Offend My Family poster of a whitewashed version of Better Luck Tomorrow, so I'm bringing back Coming Soon to a Theater in an Alternate Reality Near You to compile the cleverest or funniest examples of fake poster art.

I'd enjoy this John Boorman-directed Bruce Lee version of The Matrix way more than the actual Matrix. Poster by Sean Hartter.

Mister Miracle by Hartter.

Black Panther by Hartter.

Coming soon to a TV in an alternate reality near you: the Lost spinoff Reyes and Straume (also by Hartter).

From the Vulture blog's "Date Night–Inspired NBC Team-Ups We'd Like to See on the Big Screen" slideshow.

From a 2004 Television Without Pity Pixel Challenge.

From Fark.com's "movies that never existed but should have" forum.

From Cracked.com's "If Hollywood Decided to Give Everything a Gritty Reboot" contest.

Another Cracked gritty reboot: Edward Norton's Cheers.

Another fake Cheers movie poster, this time from Worth1000.com.
The next three are from Cracked's "Worst Possible Casting Decisions" contest.

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