Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Mike Reddy's DVD Series

While Googling for The Megalomaniacal Spider-Man the other day, I stumbled upon this artist's site and his "DVD Series," a bunch of awesome illustrations of Lost season 3, Purple Rain, Casino Royale, Idiocracy, Planet Terror and Reno 911!, to name a few.

The brilliant artist's name is Mike Reddy. Keep an eye on this guy's work. He's also done album artwork for the Fiery Furnaces.

I want his portraits of Lost and Planet Terror to adorn one of the walls in my new condo. Right now, the bare walls and minimal furniture make my crib look like De Niro's house in Heat--but without Dante Spinotti's knack for making an empty living space look cool.

It's doubtful we'll ever see Evangeline Lilly's buns on Lost, but thanks to Mike Reddy, we get to see them now. Sort of.

"You have to purify yourself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka."

Casino Royale

Children of Men

The Departed

"It's got electrolytes!"

Reno 911!